Monday, January 20, 2014

Basic ritual steps

By the way, if it wasn't caught beforehand, some of the stuff I post is simply so I don't lose the information and go nuts if something happens again (had a house fire, destroyed everything. Hence this blog to keep some info just in case. I am rewritng my BOS but also keeping stuff on here as a backup. All this info is for me personally, yes I know it's public I just mean if it doesn't resonate with you that is perfectly fine. :))

1. Purify self
2. Purify space
3. Cast the circle
4. Invoke the elements, the God and Goddess
5. Ritual observance
6. If I choose to do divination then (tarot, pendulum)
7. Energy raising (during magic) I've never done a spell so who knows when/if i'll ever do this
8. Spellwork (if I ever do)
9. Earthing the power/grounding oneself
10. Meditate a bit
11. Thank the elements, God and Goddess
12. Break the circle
13. Offering given back to the earth outside if I have one
14. Scrying if I choose to, like outside on a full moon would be nice to try it


  1. Merry Meet Stephanie!

    I applaud you for working so hard on your blog and getting the information out there to new Wiccan/Pagan/Witches, thanks!

    Our coven is reaching out to new members of the Craft who want information and just don't know where to look. Email us anytime and we'll be more than happy to help.

    Check out our new blog for new ideas and simply for information. Hope to communicate with you soon and keep writing and sharing your journey!

    K. Washington, The Resting Willow

  2. Thank you! I'm currently sick with a bladder infection that I let go untreated for way too long but I will get back to it once i've recovered enough.

    I'll definitely check out your blog! Thank you again :)
