Sunday, December 1, 2013

Being thankful

Thanksgiving just past, and while the reason thanksgiving came about is not good...genocide and all that...and the way people say they are thankful and then trample each other for sales the next is a good idea to be truly thankful.

Right now i'm in a LOT of pain from medical issues, chronic issues I was born with and well, it's hell. So it's not actually easy for me at the moment to look on the bright side, but that just may be when you need to most.

I am thankful for my hubby, who despite me being disabled, and in constant pain and sick, loves me anyway. We have 3 awesome, crazy fur babies. I have some great friends. I have a roof over my head (something I couldn't say just a little over a year ago thanks to a house fire nearly taking my life, did take our 3 kittens and our home and everything we owned, and we rented so..), clothes on my back. Food I don't want to eat due to medical reasons (a lot of pain) but i'm human so...anyway...heat, internet or i'd go crazy...crazier anyway.

This may sound like a pathetic attempt as i'm really feeling like hell right now but I am truly grateful for what I have. I learned the hard way to be last year.

Even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving (I didn't) being thankful is a good message. A message many people could learn from, regardless of religion or beliefs.

I'm going to try to post more on here, maybe twice a week on a schedule.