Tarot Spreads

I want to keep a reference of all the Tarot spreads I learn or hear about (for future reference). So here I shall keep them (in no particular order).

1. Owning your own epic bigness

2. Golden Shadow Spread

3. The Magick of your name

4. Happy in my own skin

5. Archangel Raphael Tarot Healing Spread

6. Jerk Whisperer Tarot Spread

7. New Moon Super Power

8. Process of Initiation

9. Birth Cards Reading

10. The Affliction Tarot Spread - A Guide to Dealing with Suffering

11. Being ME * Self-Development Tarot Spread *

12. A simple two card spread. The first card answers the question "What is my main lesson for today?" and the second card answers the question "What energy can I invoke that will help me integrate this lesson?". 2 different decks can be appropriate here. Also learned from Tarotize.com

13. The common daily card for the day. One card about how the day will go.

14 & 15. Three card spread, Past, Present and Future about a situation. Also Mind, Body and Spirit.

16. Question and Answer (in The Golden Tarot by Liz Dean book)

While all Tarot spreads can answer a specific query, if you prefer a "yes" or "no" without much analysis, try this question and answer spread. Card 5 also reveals the effect the answer to your question will have on you. To begin shuffle and cut the cards, then lay 5 cards face down, left to right (or right to left if that is how you do it but I go with left to right)

Card 1. You and your present situation
Card 2. What action you can take
Card 3. Obstacles or challenges
Card 4. The outcome
Card 5. The effect upon you

17. The Week ahead spread

18. The golden star

19. The celtic cross spread

20. The year ahead spread

21. The 15 card tarot spread aka The golden Dawn spread

22. The Elemental Pentagram Spread.

1. Spirit. How the querent interacts with the spiritual environment
2. Air. The querent’s intellect
3. Water. The querent’s emotions and desires
4. Earth. How the querent interacts with the physical environment
5. Fire. The querents passions and energies

I will add to this as I learn more. I specifically googled some I already knew in order to link them to a page that explains it better than I could here. :) I also link to anything I find somewhere else.


  1. I will definitely be reading these =)

  2. =) It's really helpful to have them all in one place. Of course there are probably thousands of spreads, or at least hundreds, but the ones I learn about will be going here so I have them all in one spot. :)
