Thursday, January 17, 2013

Health Tarot reading

I asked "How will my surgery and recovery go?" and used 3 cards, to represent basically the different times- i.e the first seems to be talking about now, then the recovery, then once i've recovered.

First card- Knight of wands

Keywords- Creativity, Success

(book) Whatever you've been waiting for begins to materialize, perhaps in the form of the charismatic Knight himself, or as an inspiring, entrepreneurial phase. Knights bring energy and action, so events are likely to speed up as projects progress and the right conversations take place to bring about the success you desire.

Me: Thank you! Please, already!!

Second card- Temperance

Keywords- Balance, hope, reconciliation, transformation

An angel pours water from one pitcher into another, bringing together opposite forces. The water symbolizes emotions and the flow of energy, ideas and people; the angel stands partly in the water, but her other foot rests on the earth, to show physical and emotional alchemy. The irises are named after the Greek goddes, Iris, whose rainbow symbolizes hope.

Meaning (in the book): Moderation, balance and patience are essential for the control of volatile influences and opposing demands. There is potential for progress as a business, relationship, or family grows; use your experience and diplomacy to harmonize conflict and keep projects moving forward. This card also suggests reconciliation, so relationships can be repaired.

What it tells me: Patience in recovery. I will feel like it might be taking awhile of course but with patience I will recover.

Third card- The Empress

Keywords- Fertility, motherhood, affection, a secure relationship, beauty

The consort of card IV, The Emperor, The Empress represents motherhood and all women, signified by the symbols of Venus on her dress. The apple blossom expresses growth and fertility. Her shield carries the royal insignia of the eagle, linking her with her husband's lineage, and she holds an orb of state.

Meaning (book): Happiness, beauty, and a nurturing, harmonious home. A good omen for relationships in terms of commitment and stability, the Empress may predict marriage and pregnancy. In a younger person's reading, she can reveal the positive influence of a mother or mother figure, and her appearance also shows good health and balanced relationships.

Me: Yay! Notice-good health and Happiness. Also yes I felt good about this card, about the whole spread actually, minus a bit eh at of course the recovery but I already knew that recovery will take awhile. Stomach surgery is no joke!

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