Saturday, January 12, 2013

Spring during winter and altar stuff

Harley has been making excuses the past couple days to not go shopping for some things we needed and with my hernias and tendinitis i'm not supposed to be doing that myself but oh well, I went out and did most of it today. I couldn't get a couple things, I'm not allowed to pick up anything heavier than a gallon of milk but I got what I could, despite the tendinitis in my feet and the hernias on my stomach not being happy about it. Enough complaining though as I am home now and man is it hot outside! It's January in the middle of winter....but I think the weather forgot that. Shh...don't remind it! Lol. On another note though I worry about global warming, the evidence is overwhelming and yes I believe in global warming. I am glad in a way though for the warm weather as 1 I broke my arm as a kid and the cold hurts my arm 2 Propane heat is EXPENSIVE so I was able to turn off the heat today it's so hot, woohoo! 3 It was nice out :) Enjoyed nature a bit today while I was out.

I did my daily tarot reading today and got the 10 of wands

Since it has unillustrated pips (minors) I had to read the book. I'm going to try not to use the book as much as possible but unillustrated pips might drive me nuts lol. Here it was it says

Keywords- A burden

There is much responsibility to shoulder, and agreements you made in the past have become a great burden. As well as having too much work to do, you may be carrying financial or moral burdens. When this card appears early in a reading, it can also be a sign that you are feeling overwhelmed. You may need to lay out the cards again when you have a little more mental space.

That does indeed describe my day so far. Whew!

I also took some pics of my altar and stuff. The altar is not set up right but it does show stuff lol. The tea lights are electric since I had the fire and now i'm scared of fire. Also they are safer! Baby steps :)

Stuff in the drawers. Yes my BOS looks pathetic but my other one got destroyed after all, though it was also a 3 ring may not look great but it's practical for me right now.

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