Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hearing the truth, even when it hurts

I did 3 readings today with the tarot. The first a daily card for the day, the second a 1 card reading about a particular situation and then the third reading was the Golden Shadow Spread.

Daily Janurary 9th, 2013

Two of cups (I'd put a picture but I can't find one specifically of the two of cups with google and I have to wait a couple days before I can use my camera)

A love Commitment

This card indicates a happy relationship and a promise, such as an engagement or marriage. Close friendships and creative teams are also favored, as you communicate perfectly and reach agreement easily. An additional meaning of the two is reconciliation, so if there has been recent discord, rifts will soon be healed.

:-) Yay for a good day

The question I then asked for a second reading was if it was a idea to go through with moving to Harley's Aunt Ev's house come late this year once they move and our lease here is up, we'd take over the mortgage and all and it would end up being ours when we are done paying it off (they are getting too big a family for the house- it's plenty of room for us).

I worded it as "Is the deal with Aunt Ev's house a good idea?"

Seven of pentacles

Keyword- Perseverance

The seven indicates that there is great potential for you to achieve your goals. From a promotion to learning a new skill, renovating your home to managing your finances, you have everything you need for success. This is just the beginning, however, so be determined; you will need to apply continued effort to maximize your potential. Do not deviate from your chosen path.

Well that makes perfect sense! Also, it's a nice card for this! It of course does have to do with finances, goals on a new home for ourselves that is OURS, it will take effort to go through it all of course but i'm optimistic that it will be very worth it in the end!

Golden Shadow Spread

My highest potential ended up in the Mental spread. Now with what happened with the cards I can see they are trying to tell me something very important, and hard to hear. Mental is not what I expected it to be in, I expected it in spiritual actually due to all my medical issues, some mental trauma and emotional issues. However the mental trauma seems to be what the cards are trying to talk to me about.

1. What aids me in developing my highest potential?

Reversed nine of swords

Keyword- Martyrdom

You may be feeling trapped by a sense of despair that is becoming all too familiar, so that it is virtually impossible to recognize a good thing when it comes along. Try to acknowledge that this way of thinking is becoming a pattern, and reject this self-appointed martyrdom; it's an all-too convenient way to avoid the real issues.

2. What hinders me in developing my highest potential?

Reversed Sun

Delay and frustration. Your goal is just out of reach. Work or illness obstructs plans, and the paradise you had envisaged is perilously close to slipping away. Vacations are canceled, or a relationship does not materialize. Physically, your energy levels may be depleted.

3. A possible outcome once you have formed and developed your highest potential.

Reversed Devil

Obsession, such as an unahppy, destructive affair. When reversed the devil shows an inability or unwillingness to break a bond that has no future, due to immaturity, desperation, or low self-esteem. This card may indicate a struggle with addiction.

Now this seems like a very very sad reading, it is. At first I was like why the hell are they all reversed? I ended up accidentally reversing some and at first I was like oops maybe I should try that again but then I looked at the cards and read them...and realized I reversed them "accidentally" on purpose, it was supposed to be that way. I don't want to get into details but this reading is trying to tell me some hard truths that are hard to hear right now. After being abused and manipulated years ago by an ex, now a horrible traumatic house fire, that seems that it was NOT an accident but I can not talk about it, I have some issues. I can't even make it all out 100% on this reading but I will try and do my best in everything from now on and hope that everything gets better with time. I am not giving up. And while I don't want to hear it, I have to hear it so in that respect I do want to. Seems like the cards will tell me the truth even when the truth is not what I want to hear, and for that I am happy. :)

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