Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Tarot readings the past few days

I have recently, like just the past few days, started seriously learning/practicing with the tarot. One of my friends got me a new tarot deck :). The Golden Tarot by Liz Dean. I had the rider-waite and crowley thoth decks before the fire but didn't ever try to do anything with them. Well what's a better tarot deck then one that is a gift? I have no idea, it's awesome! So i've started working with them.

January 5th, 2013

I seriously just typed 2012 there for a second...lol. I do not want to go back to 2012! Anyway I tried 2 drawings of a daily card for the day.

The first one was the Eight of cups, which I couldn't make sense of from reading the description of the card in the book but I have just looked it up some more and that card can mean moving on and weariness. Both of which make perfect sense in my life right now. Moving on from the fire in a new home and new life, new year, moving on with my spiritual self and journey finally. Weariness, I have a parastomal hernia right now not to mention all my other medical issues and I need yet another surgery so yea...i'm weary every day especially lately from that.

The second one I got was Nine of swords the keywords being Suffering and Victimization. It mentioned danger of being a victim of stress and anxiety and being run down. It also said I do have the inner strength to get through this testing time. Yes i'm using the book for help right now, i'm literally just beginning (and I write all this down in a tarot journel as i'm doing it hence i'm referring to that).

I have been under a lot more stress than I am used to lately, huge dangerous parastomal hernia needing yet another surgery, a fire that I almost died in and lost my home, 3 kittens and everything I had, and was homeless for a bit with my medical conditions making that VERY hard. If I didn't have awesome family and friends, I wouldn't be here and for them I am thankful, very thankful. I have PTSD from past abuse from an ex and now the fire so yea, I am very anxious about everything to do with fire now as well. I want nothing to do with it right now but I am trying my best. If you didn't catch it, yes I am run down right now. I don't always see the fact I have the inner strength to get through this trying time, i've been through a lot before, my whole life has been a bunch of hardships and obstacles but lately, with the fire and all, it's been harder then it has ever been and I can't help but wonder...how much can 1 person take? Obviously a lot from what i've seen but isn't there a limit? I can't help but think I may have approached that limit sometimes but I am taking it 1 day at a time and I realize I could be so much worse so I will count my blessings. I hope it's right that I have the inner strength to get through this.

Janurary 7th, 2013 (I forgot to do anything on January 6th)

I did a 3 card spread asking about my hernia and the upcoming surgery. Past, Present and Future.

Past- Six of wands- Keywords- Triumph, reward- basically I was happy to finally to get this colostomy last year.

Present- Five of cups- Keyword- Unhappiness- yea...HUGE parastomal hernia that happened shortly after getting the ostomy and has gotten worse and worse...and WORSE and is now dangerously large and I will be getting another surgery soon. Yes I am unhappy.

Future- Four of cups- Keyword- Boredom. Well I know I will be bored in the hospital for about 5 days and then at home recovering while I take it easy. So I figure this all makes sense. Also means quiet period of adjustment and I will get a hernia belt that I know will not be comfortable but I will have to wear afterwards, all the time.

Daily- Eight of Pentacles- Keyword- Opportunity

From what it said about the card I may be working on my spiritual self and more and I will feel valued by it. It is advisable to accept the opportunity/invitation as it will give me what I need. From further education to a small project I will love the time I invest now in my development and training as it will benefit me in the future. It mentions financially as well, I am not so sure about that but who knows, time will tell. I think i'll enjoy it either way, yeehaw! lol

Januray 8th, 2013 (today)

Daily- The heirophant (also the Ace of pentacles fell out while I was shuffling the deck and I heard, and feel that it is right, that when a card falls out like that that it means that card is particularly important as well.

The heirophant- Keywords- Wisdom, practical, knowledge, divinity, guidance, progress

One of the things this card denotes is of a spiritual dimension so it can indicate that I am about to embark on a new course of learning that will bring me closer to my soul's purpose.

This sounds friggin awesome! I have already decided to start seriously studying more about Wicca and Paganism (I do know the basics and stuff and have practiced a little but I am still very new and know I have a lot to learn, I haven't done much and I also know you never stop learning, or at least you never should. There is always more to learn, and I am excited by this) and have just put my plans, finally, into action. Also...closer to my soul's purpose? I hope so! I am disabled and constantly wonder what the heck my purpose is in life, but working on my spirituality I think i've found it, or at least part of it. :) I love this card!! lol

The Ace of pentacles

I honestly forgot to look if it fell reversed or not, I quickly picked it up not thinking. It was right side up but I don't know if it was reversed or not. Not reversed- it talks of material success and bringing about reassurance after a period of uncertainty. A happy, comfortable and prosperous time. Reversed- Financial loss, the opposite... o.0

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