Friday, January 11, 2013

Progress and Growth

Well I feel like crap from lack of sleep. Besides that though the Dr. Apt. went well today, we know the "attack" plan for the surgery, the secretary will call next week to schedule it.

In other news I tried a couple spreads today, one of them being the mind-body-spirit spread. I really need to stick with doing them in the room and not out on my computer lol.

Mind-8 of pentacles
Body-4 of pentacles
Spirit-3 of cups

Mind-it feels like there will be an opportunity of some sort that I should take to help with my mental issues, I have PTSD and I think that is what it is referring to.

Body- This card is a positive card for health matters, indicating recovery, so recovery from my upcoming surgery perhaps?

Spirit- Right away I felt great from seeing this card, before even reading the book on it (I am beginning after all). It's keywords are Growth, Healing and Celebration.

I think I need to do a "card a day" type thing and meditate on each of the cards. Writing down what I feel and get from them.

I have been working, well I wouldn't call it working, on feeling the God and Goddess in nature everywhere. God of the sun and Goddess of the moon (obviously there is much more to it than that). I don't know how to describe it but it's amazing. They are both needed for life. Also feeling the sun helps me a bit in fighting my fear of fire now since the sun is needed for all life, it helps keep us warm and from freezing to death and makes the earth and plants come alive in spring but is still nurturing them even now and of's a big ball of fire...that we can't live without. It is helping me to try to get over my fear of fire and what my brain wants to think, which is fire bad, bad bad bad!! Fire is powerful, it needs to be respected, it can destroy but it also brings life and without it we'd be dead. It must be respected, not abused and even through destruction some good is born. It may not be obvious at first but from every destruction some good is eventually born, and i'm already seeing that in my life.

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